Thursday, February 28, 2008


So, I was talking to my best friend the other day about the random things in life, and 

we got lost in bouncing thoughts and ideas off one another as usual. She was telling me 

about what the Lord has shown her recently about community. I learned from her in that 

conversation and in the few days that followed I experienced what she was talking about, 

and I was amazed at the experience that I had with new eyes. 

She was telling me about how the Lord has really shown her what her area of ministry is now. 

As a mother, you have a whole new realm of influence. Quickly, overnight almost, your workplace becomes your kitchen, your desk transforms into a rocking chair, emails and phone calls are now replaced with hours of feeding, and your 'co-workers' become neighbors. I listened as she told me how she desires to live in a place where everything that is necessary for daily life is in walking distance: The church, the school, the market, a restaurant, and a coffee shop. 

Suddenly, while listening to her, i found myself aching for this kind of simplicity. How wonderful life would be if we were surrounded by, and investing in the same people, and how would that transform the way i view the gospel and share it ? You must understand that what I'm going for here is not a bubble. I mean, rather, living intentional life among the people that we must encounter: The barista, waitress, check out lady at the grocery, and the school teacher. To be able to build relationships with those people, to have continuity and consistency, and to love them to Jesus, and see them experience His love. 

After this conversation I appreciated even Auburn in a new way, I want to go to the same places, on a regular basis, I want to walk there, and i want to know the people on the streets ... on the walk there and back. 

I just realized how much Jesus walked (no pun intended Kanye), 

with the same, 

the few, 

... among the masses. 


Katie B said...

hey e! found you on biscuet's blog... neat fact for ya: i heard once that the notion of a city to the jewish people is a place that's within a sabbath walk...(500 yards) and that spurred us to think, when the word talks about the holy city, and we are no longer bound by space and time and all people, all places are right there around you in the city, the dwelling place of God among his people... so what you're talking about is a shadow of the fullness that is coming :)

Angie Davis said...

yes, yes, yes! This is something B and I have been desiring and attempting to seek out. On one hand we pray that more communities are developed this way, but on the other it truly happens when people simply desire "community" and open thier hearts to each other.
It means not living in the coolest of houses, or even places at times, but it is worth it.
You may love the book Sidewalks in the Kingdom.